Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

The first treatment option for infertile couples and single or same-sex females needing a sperm donor

This is a typically the least invasive method of assisted reproduction and the first treatment option for infertile couples and single or same-sex females needing a sperm donor.  It is a method of injecting sperm into the uterine cavity and is very similar to natural conception.

The Process

The pre-treated sperm is injected during the periovulatory period which is confirmed by ultrasound. The procedure is absolutely painless. The success rate with IUI can be up to 15% per month, and it may be the right treatment method for you depending on you situation.

The most common indications for this assisted technology are:

  • inability to get pregnant after a year of trying naturally;
  • mild male factor infertility;
  • surgical procedures on the cervix;
  • allergic reactions to the partner’s sperm;
  • ovulatory dysfunction;
  • mild endometriosis;
  • impossibility or difficulty with sexual intercourse due to congenital or acquired defects of the male genital organ;
  • condition after aggressive therapy or vasectomy;
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