Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

An alternative option to traditional IVF and natural fertilization in the lab

This is typically an alternative option to traditional IVF and natural fertilization in the lab and may be indicated in a number of situations. The procedure is used if there is not enough morphologically healthy and motile sperm cells in semen, when the sperm is not able to independently penetrate the egg. The procedure involves the introduction of a pre-selected sperm into the egg by injection.

The correct sperm cell is injected into the cytoplasm of the egg by using special laboratory micropipettes.

Successful Rates

When choosing this method in situations of male factor issues, the chances of successful fertilization increase several times.

The most common indications for this assisted technology are:

  • Male factor (with a significant decrease in the concentration, motility and / or morphology of sperm);
  • Use of surgically obtained spermatozoa;
  • Use of oocytes after cryopreservation;
  • Programs with maturation of oocytes in vitro.

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